
Lords of the fallen the champion
Lords of the fallen the champion

lords of the fallen the champion

There’s a shortcut on the right that leads to Memorial, but for now, double back up the stairs and on up the next set to the right. Pop through the door, head up the stairs and take the Human Skull from the left after defeating the Temple Guardians.Įnter the corridor ahead and follow the stairs down into the room at the end where you’ll find 2 Rogues and a Curse Shortsword. Go through the doors to the Citadel, down the stairs and through the door at the end. Talk to the soldier, prod him into giving up more info and accept his request.

lords of the fallen the champion

When you’ve killed him, you’ll earn yourself a Big Sealed Rune and a Stain Hammer. This attack is hard to evade from a timing perspective and he will follow up a with a super-charged stomp that has a wider range, so it’s a risky method to choose. If you opt for close quarters, you may struggle, as he adds frenzied stomping to his bag of tricks. He’ll also spew out 3 poison puddles, so avoid the initial spit and continue to avoid the poison on the ground that will eventually dissipate. He’ll mix things up by swapping out the combo for a single, vertical strike from time to time, accompanied by a shockwave when he ground pounds. When fighting him, don’t stray too far afield as you want him to use his 2-hit combo, leaving him open for a ranged Gauntlet attack immediately afterwards. When it’s full, he’ll have a funny 5 minutes of being comatose, leaving him open for a close quarters whooping. The Beast has a fatigue gauge under his HP bar that fills when he takes a hit. Lighter armour allows for increased speed, so consider equipping a light set from your inventory. When it comes to tactics, you’ll want to fight the Beast from afar utilising the Gauntlet ranged attack, which will be bolstered by the Faithful Disciple trinket, a Higher Fire Rune or a high Faith stat.

lords of the fallen the champion

The stipulation for the bonus requirement is that you don’t tread in poison puddles or get hit by poison.

lords of the fallen the champion

Take down the Beast to earn the Stain Hammer and the Human Tattoo.

Lords of the fallen the champion